Elementary School

Kindergarten through 5th Grade

Expected Student Outcomes

Our school identifies a set of expected outcomes for students. These outcomes are not guaranteed, since many factors are beyond the control of the school, but they represent the concepts the school most wants to emphasize.

Believe—Love God

Students will

  • love God and others
  • develop and maintain the spiritual disciplines of prayer and reading God’s Word and participate in a local church
  • acknowledge the sovereignty and love of God and see his purpose for their lives
  • develop a biblical worldview that trusts Scripture as the source of all truth and the guide and standard for their lives
  • manifest the fruit of the Spirit

Belong—Love People

Students will

  • develop an understanding of humanity, acknowledging that we all bear the image of God
  • treat others with dignity and respect
  • commit to work together to serve the Lord, community, school, and others
  • engage in fellowship and accountability with other believers
  • seek to resolve differences with gentleness and respect
  • demonstrate hospitality, care, and generosity toward one another
  • celebrate the success of others

Become—Love Learning

Students will

  • pursue academic excellence as an act of worship
  • exhibit a humble and teachable spirit
  • become critical thinkers to evaluate worldview and solve problems
  • cultivate skills and knowledge in all curricular areas to prepare for Kingdom service
  • collaborate and learn from others
  • articulate and defend their faith with truth and love
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